Chapter 75: An inventory of Data from Seismographic Networks of the World.

1.- NAME:

Laboratory of Geophysical Studies "Eduard Fontserè", Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC).

2.- STAFF:

Report Author:
Josep Vila (jvilaam.ub.es)
Phone (+34) 93 402 11 99
Fax (+34) 93 402 11 33
Dept. Astronomia i Meteorologia, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 647
08028 Barcelona, Spain

Director of the Laboratory: Antoni M. Correig

Data processing: Josep Vila, Ramon Macià, and Antoni M. Correig

Station Instrumentation Operation and Maintenance: Josep Vila


Catalonia: Northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula.





This varied over the recording period. From 7 short-period, vetical-component analog-telemetry and analog recording system, to 4 digital high-gain stations. Status at the beginning of 2000 is four digital three-component high-gain stations: one BB system (Guralp CMG-3T BB, 50iHz - 100 seconds + Nanometrics DWG 9838) and three SP systems (Ranger SS-1 + Nanometrics ORION), one of them working as an emergency station (not a fixed station).

(*) IEC: Institut d’Estudis Catalans
SLU: Saint Louis University
CNVII: C.N. Vandellós II / A.N. Ascó
OEB: Observatori de l'Ebre
CSIC: Consejo Superiorde Investigaciones Científicas


All present stations record continuously at 80 samples per second without decimation. Ringbuffers with 50 days capacity and phone link for the BB station (only for remote request).


All records are provided to the local Catalan survey "Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC)" for purposes of location, phase identification and magnitude determination. The Results are published in the monthly and annual reports of the same institution.


Digital data obtained by the stations are stored in CD-ROM. Catalogs of Earthquake location can be obtained through the Catalan survey “Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya” ICC (www.icc.es). Event data (CD-ROM) are available at the University of Barcelona. Events with magnitudes Mb or Ms ³ 4.9 for latitude: 20,80 and longitude: -30,50 (Europe & Mediterranean region); and with magnitudes Mb or Ms ³ 5.5 (outside the above defined region) are available through ORFEUS (Event data in ODC volume (CDROM, web, ftp).


The projects of the "Institut d'Estudis Catalans" (IEC) in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, are directed to the improvement of the availability and quality of data. It is expected to implement an AutoDRM system for data access, the update of the stations to receive data through VSAT and a progressive substitution of short-period by broad-band sensors.


Cooperative agrements with the seismological survey of the “Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya” (ICC) were very important for the installation of the seismic stations. The cooperative agreement includes sharing data from their own seismic stations. Dr. Antoni Roca is especially thanked for their interest in the ICC–IEC cooperative projects.
We thank Mr. Bernardo Monclús and Mr. Joan Deu, from “Túnel del Cadí” Inc., for their support in the installation and maintenance of the seismic stations in the eastern Pyrenees.
We wish to thank the communities of the “Observatori de l’Ebre” and the Monastery of Poblet, their support in the installation of EBR and POB stations.
The studies of seismic surveillance in southern Catalonia are done under a collaboration agreement between IEC and the “C.N. Vandellós II” and the “A.N. Ascó”.

Submitted by Josep Vila


Laboratory of Geophysical Studies "Eduard Fontserè", Institute of Catalan Studies

The "Institut d'Estudis Catalans" (IEC) operates since 1984 a set of seismic stations, mainly dedicated to studies of local seismicity in Catalonia (northeastern Iberian peninsula). From an initial network of 5 analog stations 1 Hz vertical component in the eastern Pyrenees (1985-87) for studies of very local seismicity, in collaboration with the Saint Louis University, and two stations in the southern catalonia for purposes of seismic surveillance, the IEC has been continuously increasing the quality of the stations in different stages. The studies in the Pyrenees continued in 1990 when a 15 bit three-component short-period system was installed (CAD). That station was updated in 1995 to broad-band system (100 s - 50 Hz) recording continuously at 80 sps. The instruments in the southern Catalonia consisted primarily in two vertical 1 Hz seismometers and a tape recording system (stations POB and VAN). These stations were updated to three-component in 1990 and 1992 respectively, and to digital 16 bit in 1994, when a third station was installed. The southern Catalonia stations have been updated in January 2000 to a 24 bit and continuous recording. Data provided by the IEC stations have been used in numerous studies of attenuation and local site response in the northeastern part of the Iberian peninsula. All stations are included in the Catalan network, conducted by the sismological survey of the "Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya" (ICC) . Data (events) collected are presented in internal reports ans stored in CD-ROM. Broad-band waveforms of CAD station are also available through ORFEUS. Catalogues of local seismicity (including information on magnitudes and phase lectures) are available through the ICC.